From Thu Jan 29 15:12:17 1998
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 04:03:51 GMT
From: Jonas Whitespore []
Subject: Re: [40K] [Ork] Naming Characters. WAAAAAGH!!!!! 'ERE WE GO!

Here's the Ork Name Generator from "Waaargh The Orks!". Enjoy.

Orkish names usually have two elements: a prefix and a suffix. The prefix is the first half of the name, and the suffix is the second half (for example, Grim-Gob, or Grimbog). An Ork can have two such names composed in the same way (for example, Grim-Bog Naz-bad, or Grimbog Nazbad). Orkish personal names, place names, tribal names and names for spaceships or war machines follow the same pattern.

The Name Generation Charts include most of the basic Orkish root words listed above, plus a few generally meaningless gutteral name elements.

Ork names can be composed according to your choice or randomly generated on the charts below.

To generate a name, first roll a D6 to determine which chart to roll on for each element of the name.

D6 	 Prefix     Suffix
1-2  	 Chart1     Chart2
3-4  	 Chart2     Chart1
5    	 Chart1     Chart1
6    	 Chart2     Chart2

	 Chart One               |    Chart Two
	 D20    Prefix  Suffix   |    D20    Prefix  Suffix
	 1      Bad     Arg      |    1      Nob     Nob
	 2      Daka    Bad      |    2      Og      Og
	 3      Dreg    Bag      |    3      Rot     Ork
	 4      Duff    Bog      |    4      Shak    Rot
	 5      Dur     Dreg     |    5      Skab    Runt
	 6      Gob     Fang     |    6      Skar    Shak
	 7      Gor     Fug      |    7      Skum    Slag
	 8      Grim    Gob      |    8      Snaga   Skab
	 9      Grot    Gog      |    9      Snik    Snik
	 10     Grub    Gor      |    10     Snot    Snaga
	 11     Gut     Grim     |    11     Ug      Sog
	 12     Mag     Grod     |    12     Urty    Stuf
	 13     Mor     Grot     |    13     Uz      Teef
	 14     Mek     Grub     |    14     Waa     Thug
	 15     Mug     Gul      |    15     Waz     Urty
	 16     Naff    Gut      |    16     Wort    Uz
	 17     Nar     Kop      |    17     Zod     Wort
	 18     Naz     Lug      |    18     Zog     Zod
	 19     *       *        |    19     *       *
	 20     *       *        |    20     *       *

	(* = Use other chart)