WILDCAT ------- MARVEL HoT: [Captain America, Destroyer, Rocket Raccon (for Bounty,) Venom] (M-11) SECRET INVASION: [Captain America, Mass Master, Spider Slayer, Tombstone] M&M: (Mimic) Avengers: (Blazing Skull, Black Panther, Moon Knight, Patriot+) [Wonder Man+] Supernova: [Drax] Sinister: Ka-Zar [Jewel+] Armor Wars: [Black King] Fantastic Forces: (Thing R+) Mutant Mayhem: Longshot Ultimates: [Doc Ock] Critical Mass: Clobberin' Time: Spiral ------- DC Arkham Asylum: Calculator [Frankenstein, Man-Bat Assassin, Multiplex*, Street Thug, White Martian*] Batman Alpha: [GCPD] Crisis: (Ace, Batwoman, Gold, Nightwing, Uncle Sam) Justice League: [Bouncing Boy, Dream Girl] (Bulleteer) Origin: [Gentlemen Ghost, STRIPE] (Animal Man, Question, Supergirl, Wonder Girl) Giants: [Validus/all?] Collateral Damage: OMAC, Owlman [Blue Devil] Legacy: (Superboy, Hourman, Impulse R) [Mongul*, Spoiler, Ravager] Unleashed: Hypertime: ------- INDY Lord Recluse ------- TO DO Jubilee as Tabitha Smith new legs for Bronze Tiger and Chesire Yellowjacket head, Blockbuster body Corp. Commander for Lobster Johnson ------- WoW Base: Bog Elemental, Harvest Golem, Sarmoth, Slitherblade Tidehunter, Sunscale Scytheclaw Spoils: Ironfur Bear, Tempest Forge-Destroyer ------- Monsterpocalypse